Thursday, June 8th
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
"Wombs & Wildfires: A Collaborative
Approach to Prevention & Advocacy"
Jessalyn Ballerano, Gabriela Esquivel
*This presentation will be in English*
Description: Our presentation will address the prioritization of perinatal health in Oregon wildfire mitigation and climate impact resilience. The project we will be presenting is “Wombs and Wildfires”, a collaboration between nonprofit organizations: Nurturely and Humans Rights Watch. HRW’s qualitative research team conducted qualitative interviews with perinatal health providers in Oregon regarding the harmful impact of wildfires on pregnant people and their families. In conjunction with these provider interviews, we conducted two workshops with scientists, community stakeholders, and impacted families, and identified gaps in provider-patient communications, as well as the lack of state-based preventative measures addressed specifically to pregnant and parenting people. Identifying these gaps and implementing stakeholder input in determining creative solutions to address wildfire mitigation and resiliency among pregnant and parenting families - especially among Latino/x/e families - the next stage of the project was developing a provider communication toolkit for preventing and responding to harm/risk of wildfires among pregnant and infant-rearing families.
"Más Fuerte Que La Adversidad"
Ruth Zuniga
*This presentation will be in Spanish*
Description: Climate change and injustices continue being a challenge for communities of color, not only affecting their physical health and wellbeing, but also their mental health. The impacts of climate change increase the potential for natural disasters, of which Latine immigrant communities and other communities of color are significantly affected. Whereas many programs focus on emergency and physical preparedness and resilience, there are very few to almost no programs focused on emotional health resilience related to climate change. Raíces de Bienestar (Raíces) created a program specifically focused on increasing skills to support emotional health and resilience for Latina/o/x/e community leaders. The program – called Más Fuerte que la Adversidad (Stronger than Adversity)-- is a culturally specific Spanish training for Latine Traditional Health Workers and Community Leaders focused on Liberation pedagogy, trauma/healing informed practices and collective healing principles to teach concepts, skills, and strategies to support and enhance community resiliency before, during, and after disasters. Through three different modules, participants learn how to nurture the mental health of their communities, while also enhancing their own emotional health and wellbeing. Finally, the modules focus on the prevention of vicarious trauma that may come from serving the community. The content and format of this training was guided by a community advisory board made up of Latina leaders and promotores de salud working in areas affected by the wildfires in Oregon.
"Trauma Informed Care"
Julio Galindo Muniz, Gladys Alvarado Martinez, Alivia Feliciano
*This presentation will be in English*
Description: Trauma informed care offers an engagement framework from an individual to a systems level lens to recognize, respond, and resist how trauma impacts individuals and communities in the wake of climate disasters. By integrating a trauma informed lens in our climate disaster work, we can foster healing, resilience, and equitable outcomes for our communities. The intent of this presentation is to offer an overview of trauma informed care for those newer to the framework, offer practical examples of its use within Latine communities, and encourage exploration of how this framework could be applied to participants' work.